Quebec Experience Program (PEQ)
The PEQ is an accelerated selection program for skilled workers which came into effect on February 14, 2010. The PEQ goal is to rapidly issue a CSQ to workers and graduates who apply for it and meet certain requirements. A CSQ is also issued, where applicable, to their spouse or legal partner and dependent children included in their application.
It was especially designed for:
- Temporary workers who hold a skilled job in Quebec: the temporary worker must satisfy the following conditions to get a CSQ (Quebec Selection Certificate):
- be present in Quebec as a temporary worker or in the framework of a youth exchange program and hold legal status as a temporary resident;
- hold a job eligible under the PEQ and have held one or more jobs of the same nature for at least 12 of the past 24 months;
- has conformed to the conditions of applicable stays as temporary worker;
- has an intermediate level knowledge of oral French;
- undertake to provide for his/her needs and, where applicable, those of his/her spouse or legal partner and dependent children included in the application, for a minimum period of three months from the date he/ she obtain the permanent status.
- Foreign students who graduated in Quebec or are studying towards graduation: the Quebec graduate must fulfill certain conditions to be granted the CSQ (Quebec Selection Certificate):
has conformed to the conditions on his/her stay as a foreign student;
hold a Quebec diploma eligible for the PEQ or expect to complete the study program within six months of the date on which the application will be submitted;
has an intermediate level knowledge of oral French;
- undertake to provide for his/her needs and, where applicable, those of his/her spouse or legal partner and dependent children included in the application, for a minimum period of three months from the date he/she obtain the permanent resident status.